Patmos Island, Greece
I had been wanting to go to Patmos since I moved to Turkey. A while back, I talked to
Joy about going with me. We made our plans (which she is exceptionally good at!) set the date and went. It really is no easy task. Taking a plane to Izmir and a transfer to Kusidasi, we stayed the night to begin our trip into Greece the next morning. Boarding our first ferry was interesting because it seemed small to both of us. Our first leg was about an hour long and when we arrived at Samos we were very hungry. After eating at the Samos Hotel we heading for the bus to transfer us to other side of the island. We waited about 3 hours to get on a larger boat that made several stops along the way. We were very excited to be taking the ferries but when we got on this boat, this was the upper deck seating.

After making a couple of stops for passengers, supply delivery and large vehicle transport we pulled into the cove that was the port at Patmos. I took this picture (1 of 3 before the sunset) as we pulled in.
We went to our hotel were we had a wonderful dinner. The owners of the hotel met us upon arrival and we could feel they were genuinely glad we were there. The next morning we had a large breakfast, in the morning sun, looking out over the mourned boats in the small cove on the south side of the island. ( I am sorry to say that I didn't get a picture of our hotel, huh?)
We left after breakfast to head to the monastery built in honor of St. John the Revelator (1100AD). He was exiled to this island at around 100AD from Ephesus.
These are the courtyard bells from the balcony.
The monks are there and moving around the monastery. We were in the presence of one giving some kind of sermon (In Greek). The small chapel was ornate with gold leaf and frescoes that really were impressive. The above picture is of one the many entrances to rooms off the courtyard. We were in their home.

When we began our descent down the hill we stopped for coffee at a place that was really right on the edge of the hill (mountain?) The view, as you can see, is amazing! I only wish I could have captured the scope of it. The water was so blue and in the deeper areas (while on the ferry) it looked navy. Unlike anything I have seen in any other water I have been on. After our snack, we walked down to find the entrance to the "Grotto of St. John" -- well, we missed it! We did find a nice lady at the health clinic who was very nice to us after she told us it was closed for the day. She called us a taxi and we went back to the hotel to lay by the pool and read. (One of my most favorite things to do!)

After it began to cool down a bit -- we grabbed our cameras and went for a walk along the beach. I really can't remember being in place that was so peaceful and quiet. When you would hear an occasional vehicle it would be a surprise. Our walk was along a road to the beach which as small pebbles. As we walked, the size of the pebbles became rocks. Small boats were tied up at this jetty and no one in sight. We walked around to the other side and as were standing there suddenly we were hearing bells. Looking across the water to another little island was a herd of goats. They were being herded by the dog around the the end of the island. It really was cool! As we walked around to the other side, we found a great place for dinner.

We did go to the "Grotto of St John" the next next morning before we left. I was amazed at how it had been filled up with "stuff" -- the Greek Orthodox Church has ceremonies here. You could see the basic cave and how rustic it was to have lived there. A small Chapel has been built onto the side. The view from here was beautiful. There really wasn't anything I didn't like about this island or our trip.
Thanks for stopping by -- Love, Sheryl